Monday, 3 October 2011

Firework Display @ Melbourne Docklands

I still have no idea why but for some reason The City of Melbourne decided to have a firework display every Saturday i believe it was, for every weekend of July. I'm sure there was a reason, we just had no idea what the reason was. Anyway, after hearing the last one was coming up a group of us decided to go and check it out. So off to the city we went, and we happened to get there JUST as the fireworks started to go, which was pretty lucky. I've never been a huge fan of fireworks; somehow they just seem like a trumendous waste of time and money but they are pretty i guess...

When the firework display finished, we asked some random strangers to take a couple of group photos of us, before heading off to explore the city.

[L-R] Veronica, Lisa, Jodie, Sarah, Me, Jaclyn and Amanda
[L-R] Lisa, Jaclyn, Sarah, Me, Jodie, Amanda and Veronica.

So we started walking back towards the city and we came across a bunch of random statues, so naturally we decided to take photos on and around them....and we weren't the only ones!

[L-R] Jodie, Sarah and Amanda
[L-R] Me and Sarah doing the 'Charlie's Angels' pose
[L-R] Lisa, Me and Sarah
Me feeling up a bum!
[L-R] Amanda, Me, Jodie and Sarah
[L-R] Lisa and Me 
Me attempting to sit on a ball...much harder than it looks folks!

After we'd taken our fair share of photos, we decided to get some food and find a bar to hang out in.

Pie Face :D
At the bar [L-R] Amanda, Jodie, Veronica, Me, Lisa, Sarah and can tell who the dramatic ones are can't you!? :P

After we'd had a couple drinks we went to get the tram home and bumped into our friend Laurel.

On the ridiculously crowded tram home [L-R] Jodie, Jaclyn, Lisa, Laurel and Veronica
[L-R] Me, Lisa, Laurel's eye, Amanda, Veronica and Ravi the photo hijacker!
Clearly cool for taking a photo not only on a tram but in a mirror! [L-R] Lisa, Laurel, Me and Amanda

Until next time...

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